Friday, January 05, 2007

Five things people might not know about me...

I was tagged a few weeks ago by my sister-in-law Becky and Chris to write five things people might not know about me. I know it's been a few weeks, but here they are.

1. I once appeared on the Phil Donahue show. I was in New York for a college class and some friends and I decided to attend a taping of the show. The topic of the show was lame, but it was fun to be in the audience. Throughout the show I was determined to ask a question, and finally when Phil came over to me I lost my concentration and asked a question that didn't make sense. Phil looked at me funny and my friends disowned me. I do have the tape if anyone wants to see it.

2. Ceci and I saw a taping of the Dr. Phil show in Hollywood, and sat in the second row because we were supposedly "good looking." We were so "good looking" that they never showed us on the show. Oh well, at least we felt good for one day.

3. After a horrible start to the fantasy football season I finished in 2nd place in one league (after four games I was in last place in this league, so that was a great comeback!), and 3rd place in my other leagues. The disappointing thing is I finished the regular season in 1st place in one league and 2nd place in another. Needless to say I choked in the playoffs. Oh well, there's always next year and there's always the Chargers, who are going to win the Super Bowl.

4. I'm passionate about exercise and running. Growing up I didn't like running. I was mainly interested in sports like football, basketball, and baseball. But, during my junior year of college I fell in love with running. I love going out for a run. It energizes me, and allows me time to think and clear my head. In fact, my best sermons have come out of long runs. Numerous times I have come home and immediately went to my desk to write. Ceci will ask me what I'm doing, and I will respond, "I can't let this great thought escape my brain." So, there I will sit, all sweaty, writing down the things I was thinking through on my run.

5. I'm passionate about Jesus, not religion. I love Jesus. I love everything about Him. I love watching people fall in love with Jesus, especially teenagers. I love watching that freedom, the forgiveness, and the grace that comes when people really understand who Jesus is.

Since I completed my assignment I now get to tag people. I tag Joe & Amyjo, Matt Wolters, and Matt Yount. Yount I think it's time you get a blog.

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