Importance of telling stories...
I read a great quote this morning regarding the importance of telling stories. The quote is from a book called "Following Jesus" by Dave Roberts. (No, I didn't write the book!)
"When we don't tell stories, we end up with a sterile, joyless, rules, law and statements faith that neither nurtures the soul nor speaks to unbelievers." (p. 68)
As a human and as a follower of Jesus, I love to hear stories and tell stories about what Jesus is doing is people's lives today. It is through these stories that I get encouraged, challenged, and motivated to follow Jesus with more passion and vigor.
May we never lose the art of telling stories, and may we be quick to listen to other people's stories. Who knows, it might just be through your story or someone else's story that people see Jesus.
This one time, I read a story by a guy who read a book written by a guy who said that stories are important. So yeah, I'm down.
Once upon a time there was a man named Dave Roberts (no, not the author), who went for a bike ride. As he was energeticly riding along the pleasant road a kindly old lady in a blue buick noticed that Dave's brake was rubbing his bike tire, and so she suggested that he pull over to the bike path (her intent being that Dave could then adjust the brake and enjoy even more the beautiful day). Dave, not understanding the kindness in the woman's suggestion, said nothing. But they both lived happily ever after.
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