Sunday, May 20, 2007

Time to get organized...

It's time for the family to get organized!

Just recently, it hit me that keeping track of four lives, figuring out where people need to be and when, and trying to remain sane in the midst of all of it can be overwhelming. So, the way to get control of the situation is to get organized! And tonight, that is what I did. My accounting/spreadsheet skills kicked in and I made a weekly family calendar. Every person gets a color, even the youngest, so when know what is going on in each person's life. I even added a meals section, so we know what we are eating, and a to-do list for each person. I can't wait to add "to-do" items by the kid's section like mow the grass, clean the dishes, etc. For your reading pleasure, here is our first calendar. It's even filled out.

Maybe I'm going overboard with this whole calendar thing, but we need to get this whole schedule thing figured out or we are going to lose our minds. If anyone else has a organization plan that works for them, please let me know. I would love to learn from people who have figured this thing out.

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