Saturday, June 30, 2007


Spent the day working on the kid's sandbox. Who knew a silly sandbox would take so much effort. But I have to say it looks pretty neat. Almost like the sandbox Bob Vila built. (See picture above. My sandbox looks better though, but it doesn't have a toy box. Oh well.) Pictures will be coming soon, because even though the sandbox is done, it needs sand. So, I'll make a late night run tonight to wrap up the sandbox. Then I can have a picture of the completed sandbox. The girls already loved playing in it today, and both of them were a huge help when it came to building it.

Now I have to finish some school homework that is due in one hour and 40 minutes. Then, I'm off to get sand.


Anonymous said...

Leaving home to go somewhere someone would say they would get homesick. I would say that being home makes me SICK.

Anonymous said...

"Always remember to honor your mother and father" YEA RIGHT.. How can i honor my mother if she isnt going to act like one. I should change that rule to say "Always remember to honor your MATURE mother and father"

ryan young said...

Dave, where would one go to get some sandfor there sandbox?