Friday, April 04, 2008

I'm addicted...

to coffee. This morning when I went to make coffee we were out!!! I wasn't happy. I asked Ceci to pick up coffee on her way back from pilates, but she decided not to go because she was tired. So, I didn't get my first cup of coffee until 3:30 this afternoon - that is when my headache started to come. Up until that point I was sluggish all day and didn't want to do a thing, which means my message for Sunday isn't even close to being finished. But now I've had a cup and a half and I feel the juices pumping. I'm ready to write.

I can't believe I'm addicted to coffee. They say recognizing you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Well, I've taken the first step, but I don't want to take the second. I love my coffee too much.

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