Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Mallory loves dogs. She got a little dog for her birthday - no it's not real. It's a little stuffed animal. She is constantly holding that thing.

Last week we went to see the dutch dancers and met up with some old friends. They brought their little dog named honey. Mallory loved that little dog. She walked the dog, held the dog, and at the end of the night, she didn't want to let go.

I think I see a little dog in the future for our family. If we get one, I know Mallory will take care of it!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a few little "Honey's" there to me! Cute...cute...cute!

Ceci LaBarge said...

We're getting a dog? ummmmm. No.

Matt Yount said...

Dude, get a cat! Cats are cool! Then when you go away you don't need to find someone to watch the dog (just fill up the bowls with food and water, fill up the litter box, and take off!). You can have our cat for a week to test it out!

Jason Kehrer said...

i had a cat for a week during my senior year of college. i got it through the newspaper, and it was a present for my mom's birthday (although i couldn't deliver the cat - previously named "jasper" - to chicago until the following weekend). turned out that my mom was allergic. too bad. however, my memories of the dumb cat are scarred by the sleepless nights i spent because it wouldn't stop marching on my stomach (you know that weird bread-kneading thing they do) and i hardly slept that entire week. it was compounded by the fact that this all happened IN a sleeping bag cause i lived on the lake in a poorly insulated beach house, and it was january.

on top of that, the cat just always seemed to look at me saying "i know more than you do" and it made me insecure and uncomfortable. with a dog, i know that i'm definitely more intelligent than it, and i appreciate the associated loyalty. go for the dog.

Matt Yount said...

You just haven't experienced the right cat! Cricket is no ordinary cat. She is tail-less (born that way). She carries small stuffed animals around the house. And most compelling - a dog won't chace a laser light dot across the floor and up the walls and over people (the ones you shine the light on) for hours on end.

Anonymous said...


We are getting a little dog in three weeks! We have already gone to meet the puppies. You want me to pick up a cute little Shit-zu mix for Mallory. They are adorable and I am sure that Mallory would do all the work to take care of her puppy!


Anonymous said...

I say let her keep her little stuffed doggie and call it good. There are no vet bills (cat & dogs are expensive...we have one of each...and if you want them to stay healthy and flea free it is gonna take some $$) They also need to eat...and they need to eat good cat or dog food....not the Meijer brand....the good stuff is not cheap......then there is the litter box (hate, hate, hate that smell....therefore...ours is in the garage :) our kitty does not go outside so it is a big adventure for him to go in the garage.) The dog poo in the yard....hate that and you wanna get it all before you mow.....the slimed glass from wet noses (and I am not talking about the kids there :) and last but not least THE HAIR. The cat sheds as much as the dog and I tire of vacuuming every single day of my life as I feel is important with the dander and hair with my kids laying on the carpet. Anyway... I grew up with them to pieces and see a lot of value in having them....but there is also so much to consider. Lifestyle is so important. Busy people should really consider the time that they will have. Stuffed babies are always good :)

Matt Yount said...

Just my personal observation on that particular breed of dog..."Shit-zu"??? That just doesn't sound right. I'm sure it's a nice dog and all, but I would imagine you might have to deal with a lot of identity issues with that dog plus be prepared to guide the dog through the mean/teasing years of adolescence. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

What a beating you have just taken over a very nice gesture of wanting to get your sweet little children a family pet to care for! (sorry as I did take part in that) and I have to say, as much as there is hair, and slober and vets and who to care for them when you are away (my cat is just as needy as my dog :) they are a huge blessing and my kids have amazing memories growing with their animals. We even received the "blessing" of our Australian Shepard giving birth to 9 puppies. Not a job for full time working was good that I was a stay at home mom at that time. But an amazing experience that the kids loved). Anyway, felt I was a bit negative and needed to turn that around a little and apologize for putting a damper on your lovely idea for your daughter! Pets can be a wonderful addition to your family.

Matt Yount said...

You were fine! We just like teasing Dave! He'd make a great dog parent! We've had a dog or a cat almost the whole time we've had kids...the kids love it, and so do we!