Monday, July 21, 2008

Initiator or Responder?

I love reading Perry Noble's blog and I'm always challenged when I listen to his messages. He is a straight shooter, and that's what I love about him. Today, I was really challenged by his blog. I was probably challenged by this because of some things that I'm dealing with in my life -- mainly at church! This is what he said... (read below or click here)

Are you an initiator or a responder?
  • An initiator spends their time trying to think big and extinguish the fires of hell…a responder spends their time trying to figure out how to keep people happy and tries to extinguish the fires of small minded people.
  • An initiator spends their time asking God to lead them to take huge risks…a responder spends their time asking God to keep them safe.
  • An initiator takes God led risks…a responder will call a business meeting.
  • An initiator spends all of their time trying to please God…a responder spends all of their time trying to please people.
  • An initiator will preach what he feels that God has told him to preach and not fear the consequences…a responder will preach what makes people happy so he can receive a paycheck.
  • An initiator spends all of their time trying to figure out what’s next…and a responder spends all their time trying to figure out how to guard the past and the present.
  • An initiator prays huge prayers and asks God for impossible things…a responder doesn’t really think God is in the miracle business anymore & will pray prayers that doesn’t require God’s help to accomplish so that “God doesn’t look bad!”
  • An initiator will surround himself with leaders who will speak their minds…a responder want people around him who will say, “Your poop doesn’t stink!”
  • An initiator wants to meet with people who do not think like him…a responder is threatened by people who aren’t just like him.

Just a few thoughts…

If I'm honest with myself... I'm a responder, and I hate that about myself. To often I'm a people pleaser. To often I don't speak my mind. To often I find my self wondering what will other people thing. That's dumb, and I hate that about myself.

Lately, I've learned about the importance of leadership - lead or be led - a good friend told me once, and he is right! There are some areas in my life where I need to step up and lead, or others will do it for me, and I don't want that to happen! If I don't do this, then there will be more problems than what there is now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say this.....don't be too hard on yourself. Unfortunately we are all products of this world to one extent or another therefore we are all responders in some situations. The glory and the TRUTH is that we are all initiators in some situations as well. The prayer is that each day, in each situation we face we become more of an initiator and we all know the TRUTH is that with God's guidance and grace....we can all be fully transformed. The blessing is that we see ourselves in the light that we need to so therefore we are able to seek change thru our savior. Cool. He lets us see this, He allows us to seek it all and is always there waiting to say "okay son, are you done? are you ready to do it my way? okay, let's go you goofy kid". So....maybe He doesn't quite say it like that...but how blessed we are to have the ability to be transformed. Thanks for this post. I have printed it and posted it right next to my computer at work and will keep a copy for home. A great reminder of what I need to pray about and work on. Be blessed! You are more of an initiator than you see. You do make a difference in peoples lives that you do not even know. Thank you.