Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Can a person disappoint God?

The question has been thrown out by Matt, and I think it is a good question. Can a person disappoint God? I sure felt like I did. (Disclaimer - I'm over it. So, this is not a pity party. I'm just looking for a little discussion.)

The verse I thought of after Sunday was John 17:4. In the verse Jesus is praying and says, "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." Now, I know Jesus was/is the Son of God, and I'm no where close to that, but that verse implies that if Jesus didn't complete the work, then God would not have received glory. To me, that would be disappointment. Jesus would have disappointed God. Praise God he didn't.

On Sunday, I felt that I didn't do what God wanted me to do, and be not doing it I robbed,took away any glory that God would have received if I would have said what he wanted me to say. That is why I feel I disappointed God.

Now, I know I can disappoint someone and still be loved, and that is what I've experienced since Sunday. I know there are some things I should have said, and I might have disappointed God, but the good news is there's forgiveness. There is forgiveness for my disobedience. There is forgiveness for giving up. Praise God for that. I'm so happy that we have a god who forgives, forgets, and gives people 2nd, 3rd, 4th chances.

So, those are my thoughts in a nutshell. I would love to hear more of your thoughts. Leave a comment and share what you think. No one is going to rip on another person. If they do I'll delete their comment. I know there are 70 plus readers/day on this blog, so I know there are people out there who have thoughts. Come on people leave a comment - especially Takas and Kehrer. This will give you guys something to discuss at that sweet whiteboard table.

Here's what Matt and someone else had to say...

Matt said...

Dave, I really resonate and appreciate your honesty. It's both attractive and inspiring. I feel you.

I've read your post a couple times, and I think this is both an interesting question and conversation, so I'l throw it out there - is it possible to "disappoint" God? I realize this probably spills into theological areas, but I just wonder it? And I really don't know the answer to it. I just wonder it. Because it seems a lot of pressure to always be trying to please God (and not let Him down). Could God's love for us and Jesus in us still allow God to ever be disappointed in us? Maybe. Again, I'm now just thinking out loud (or, thinking by typing). I might be way off.

I keep thinking of that one Francis Chan message where he wondered... Scripture (in Hebrews) says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Could the opposite be true, that with faith it is impossible to displease God? That seems possible to me. You brought a message that you, in faith, believed God wanted you to share. Though you aren't pleased with the delivery and impact and were maybe a little disappointed because you care so much, I think it is still possible God was pleased because you acted in faith. I don't think He is disappointed.

Just my thoughts. Take 'em, leave 'em, blow them away, whatever.

I love you bro. You won't go wrong because you're heart is in the right place.


Someone else said...

Hey as I was reading this message my first thought was it possible to disppoint God? I don't know the answer either. God already knows everything we are going to do, he knew the message you were going to preach, he knew who needed to hear what you talked about and God uses are mistakes, so is it really possible to disappoint him? He is giving you another chance, that he already knew he was going to give you, maybe he is just teaching you a lesson from your sermon, and you didn't really disappoint him at all. Either way God loves us! We make mistakes and he still loves us the same, if we made it or not! What a great father we got!


Josh said...

I guess I'll start the discussion...

Ok #1... I think that verse could work BUT I think John 17:4 is a bit of a stretch to be used to prove the point that we can disappoint God.

So that leads me to point #2... does getting God angry count as disappointing him? If it does than we have an argument but if not I don't see a lot of places in the Bible that God says, "You are my child but I am very disappointed in you".

So my conclusion is .... I don't know the answer

Anonymous said...

I think so. When Jesus was baptized God said that he was pleased with Jesus. If God can be proud of us, it stands to reason that he can be disappointed with us too. Just read "Heaven is so real" by Choo Thomas and that also sounds like God is very personal and very passionate with his people.


Anonymous said...

I believe that God has given us the free will to make any choice. He always provides us with what He wants from us (the promptings....feelings....leadings) but ultimately, He allows us to make the decision. We choose to go with God or go with "our way". I am quite sure that God does get disappointed in us. The truth however is....He always loves us regardless.

He allows us the choice to follow Him and where He is leading us...and He allows us to stew and wallow when we make the choice that we know was not what He wanted from us...or for us. Then...He tries again and hopefully we have learned that when God leads...we follow.

Bottom line is we make choices and decisions every day that our Father would not approve of. Many times, we do it knowing that it is not what He would have us do. Hopefully, we are also doing a lot of things that are pleasing to Him. He still loves us....He still tries to work thru us.....and if He needs to allow us to sit in the valley for a while to re assess how we are going to live our lives and who we are going to live them for. He loves us enough to do that for us and He is right there to pick us up...dust us off....and lead us along when we have come to our senses.

Sorry if that thought is a little scattered, I hope I conveyed myself in a somewhat understandable manner.