Monday, October 13, 2008

A great story...

Last week a story was submitted on about a single mom, who didn't have a hot water heater. Her finances were tight, and there was simply no way for her to afford a new water heater. The story was submitted on and two people really stepped up. One woman paid for a new water heater and a plumber installed it for free.

This act of compassion really impacted this single mom. Here's what she wrote,

"I wanted to get back with you and let you know that Dana and Craig worked together and had a hot water heater installed by late morning on Friday. It was truly amazing!! A friend of mine stopped by on Thursday evening and Evan (my 9y son) asked me, "Mom, did you tell her about our miracle?" That was the biggest gift of all. My kids have seen that God takes care of us through our struggles and trials........and our victories. "
Her two kids witnessed a miracle!!! What a great thing when people, who claim the name of Jesus, demonstrate his love to the people around them. It impacts lives. It changes lives forever. Those kids will never be the same because they saw God provide for them. And the best part about it... God used ordinary people to do it.

Here's a picture of the two kids in front of their miracle...

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