Thursday, November 06, 2008

Response to the Election...

So, I really like this pastor down in Anderson, South Carolina. His name is Perry Noble, and he's the pastor at NewSpring Church. Here are his thoughts about the election, and I agree wholeheartedly with him!

Here are some questions that have been floated my way…

#1 - Do you think the results of this election will lead to the end of the world as we know it?

NO! It really bothered me when some loony Christian wingnut called into a local talk show yesterday and talked about how the Bible predicted this would happen…

Now I’m no scholar…but I’ve read it from cover to cover on multiple occasions and I’ve never even seen Obama’s name!!!

The president of the United States does not hold the universe in His hands!!! God does–period!

#2 - If I don’t like the results of the election, what should I do?

I personally believe the Scriptures tell us to pray for our government leaders–whether we agree with them or not. We live in a country where we have the right to express our opinions…but I think it is hypocritical for a follower of Jesus to slam someone in a leadership position if they haven’t sincerely sought the Lord on their behalf.

#3 - What do you think will happen over the next four years?

Uh…I think I will eat some ice cream and watch some football games…other than that I am really not sure…and neither is anyone else.

#4 - Why didn’t you publically endorse a political candidate?

Because it simply isn’t Biblical. The purpose of the platform I have been given is to exalt Christ…NOT a political party!

#5 - Why do you seem to be anti-politics?

I’m not; in fact, I love politics. I study them a lot and I read about them as well. I have some friends that are really into the political scene that I pray for often.

BUT…the job of the church is not to legislate morality, which is what some idiots believe they can accomplish if a certain party is in power.

Change isn’t the result of who is in the White House…but rather who is in the heart of a man or woman!


Anonymous said...

AMEN!! Thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

I completely disagree. The bible of course is not going to say Obama's name...but does however give a description of who the antichrist is going to be, what the signs are to look for. Politics and our christian DO go hand in hand...this is a personal belief I realize, but what happens in the government effects my walk as a christian. example: abortion, gay marriage to name the big ones. I could not disagree MORE with that pastor. Our pastor talked about the election every single sunday! without fail, and we as a congregation loved it. He endorsed Mccain, and said he didnt care if his "tax exempt" status was taken away. really not a big deal in the big picture. Everything that Obama stands for goes against what we hear in church, and to not talk about this is simply wrong. You are right, the President doesnt hold the US...GOD does. that we will agree on.

MelissaLB said...

To comment to the above,
I appreciate you having a viewpoint on politics and religion. And I agree that issues like abortion should be talked about. Since we agree that God holds us, lets agree to put our HOPE in God and not to a political leader for spiritual change. You and I, lets show the world the Light of Jesus! How amazing!!

Josh said...

Politics and religion don't mix well.

Jesus stayed out of them for the most part. He promoted loving God and loving people and seeking the kingdom of God... not worrying about who was going to govern his nation.

That being said, I am not saying that you shouldn't care. I am just saying politics and Christianity shouldn't mix as often as they do because often times it becomes a bash-fest. (I often don't agree with what the the outspoken Christians in politics.)

It creates division... that's all.

As far as "the anti-Christ" goes...seriously.... I heard when Bush was elected that he was going to be the Anti-Christ. Please don't start with that...

why do we as Americans believe that every Biblical event will take place in OUR country and not somewhere else in the world? Every President that gets in the White House "could be the anti-Christ".

FYI- The anti-Christ could live in another country and we wouldn't know who he was because most Americans don't pay attention to the rest of the world

Anonymous said...

agree with both the above! Melissalb....thats the best thing to do now...go show the world the light of GOD! absolutely:)
and Josh...totally agree with you too, whose to say where the antichrist will show up. no one knows the time nor the place. unfortunately...I think there are those out there that think Goerge Bush WAS the antichrist! haha NOT ME...with all the bashing he gets, Im glad his term is alomost over...he needs a rest!
thanks for the comments back though. Love hearing others opinions:)

Anonymous said...

Was what happened Tuesday God's will? I am quite confident it was not. America was offered a very clear choice between moving further toward protecting the unborn or further away; between a Supreme Court that would move toward honoring God, life and morality or away from it. The stakes couldn't have been higher nor the cost greater. As a nation we put on blinders concerning Barak Obama's background, associations, beliefs and practices, and set these causes back years, possibly decades.
And in doing so we took another step away from God and His plans forAmerica, and another step toward judgment..

Anonymous said...

This pastor who wrote this entry is clearly carnal. Name calling "idiots" or "wing-nuts" is not Christ Like. Would Jesus degrade someone else? I think NOT. Where is the love in this letter? I see a carnal preacher that embraces compromise and a lukewarmness. Even so Lord come quickly!