Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fun with fire...

Today I had a little bon-fire. I love playing with fire, but this time it was really fun.

Last night, during our "Mid-Week" gathering, we had a moment of repentance. I invited teenagers to come forward to the cross that we had on the floor, and write out an area of life where they are struggling or a person they need to forgive. Many teenagers did this and it was awesome to see. I told them I would not read any of the cards, and I kept my promise. Well, today I burned them. It was fun to watch them burn, never to be read, gone forever. And that to me represents the amazing grace of Jesus! We are forgiven. We have been set free because of the sacrifice of Jesus. Watching that flame was an awesome reminder of God's grace. I hope I never take it for granted.

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