Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Talk to me, Not about me...

I thought Steven Furtick hit a HOME RUN with this blog entry. I think what Steve addresses below is a HUGE problem with the church today. People are afraid to talk face to face when they have a problem with another person. Read below for Steve's thoughts or visit his blog.

A few months after my dad got saved, he was invited to share his testimony with his church on a Sunday night. He told the 50 or so people gathered that night:

If you see me stumbling in my Christian walk, do me a favor…
Instead of talking about me, come talk to me.

It’s good Biblical protocol. Unfortunately, it’s getting more and more difficult to put into practice every single day.
Thanks to blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and the like (read: blah blah blah), every idiot with an opinion has a printing press. And it is becoming increasingly socially acceptable to talk crap about people you’ve never met as if they were fictional characters.

This is fine for Perez Hilton. But it’s unacceptable behavior for those who name the name of Christ. And it’s downright reprehensible for ministers of the Gospel.

I saw some stuff that some self-important wannabe theologian wrote on his blog about one of my pastor friends the other day. It was nasty and uninformed. The comments were even nastier and less intelligent.
And I was incensed by the realization: These freaking wusses would never say this stuff to my friend’s face. What a pitiful bunch of anonymous cowards.

After I repented of my carnal judgmental attitude, I found myself lamenting that I’m a part of such a spineless, say what you want about who you want whether you know them or not generation.

Just because the expression of your views is accessible and affordable doesn’t mean it’s Biblical. Say it to their face, in love, with wisdom, after prayer.
Or, for the love of the God that you profess to represent, shut up.

1 comment:

Tara Follett said...

Great post. Thanks for sharing!