Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Lost Art of the Career

Loved reading this article in the recent Relevant Magazine. It was called "The Lost Art of the Career" and it challenges younger workers and their attitude towards work. Written by David Kinnaman, who works at Barna, he calls young workers out and I love his challenging words. He shares 7 things to consider when building a career.

1. Create a Unique Statement of Your Calling and Vision - this can be a short statement that describes what you feel God is calling you to do with your life.

2. See out People at the Office Who Can Mentor You - Straight forward find a person who you can learn from and ask a ton of questions.

3. Demanding Bosses Are Not Your Enemy - Some of the best bosses are tough ones because they want you to grow. They push you and stretch you because they believe in you.

4. When You Reach Your Breaking Point, Stay Longer - It's during the toughest times that you learn the most. Don't leave and find a new job when things get tough. Wait it out and learn from those moments.

5. Make Sure You Check Your Ego At the Door - be a servant Serve your employer well.

6. Keep the Organizations Goals a Priority - The organizations goals are your priority while you are on the job.

7. Connect Your Work to Your Faith

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