Friday, May 25, 2007

Why do you do what you do?

Just read an interesting post on a blog called perigrinatio. I enjoy reading this blog because the writer usually has some great mind-stretching posts about youth ministry. This morning I read a post about why we do what we do. It was a great post and asked some great questions. After reading it, I wondered...

Why do I enjoy working with teenagers?
Why did I leave an accounting career to work with teens?
Why do I still love working with teens after 10 years?

I can honestly say that after 10 years I still enjoy working with teens - just as much as I did when I walked through the doors of my first church. Sure there have been times when I wanted to quit, but don't we all have those moments? But deep down, there has always been a love for Jesus and a love for teenagers that have compelled me to do what I do.

So, why do you do what you do? Do you have a love for what you do? May we be a people who are not satisfied with doing something that we don't enjoy. May we be a people who are involved in things that we are passionate about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave, for linking to my blog... thanks for the kind comments.

It is great to know you are stopping by perigrinatio... it helps me to picture a few folks out there being stretched, or encouraged, or even inspired. I am glad to know that love for kids and the Living God of the Universe is compelling you to "do what you do!"