Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Job Title

Finally, I found a Job Title I like. I saw it on Gary Lamb's blog. They recently gave the title "Utility Pastor" to their new worship guy/youth ministry guy.

I like the title because in the past I've lead worship, lead the youth ministry, preached occasionally, performed weddings, done funerals, and everything in between. Frankly, I feel like a utility pastor.

It kind of reminds me of my high school baseball career. In four years, I played every position. I wasn't good enough for one, so they had to keep moving me around because better players would take my position. So, I was the ultimate utility player.

Now, instead of a utility player, I'm a utility pastor. I like the ring of that.


Matt Yount said...

You should mount a big ladder on top of your little car and load the hatchback with misc. toos and a tool belt because when I think of "utility" guys I think of guys with tools (and you are a big tool!).

Seriously, the title does accurately describe! Reminds me of "I have become all things to all people..."

Jason Kehrer said...

I think that's a pretty cool title. Nice and open-ended, so that you can take on a lot more stuff.

At my previous employer, I fought for the title of "Community Architect" or something along those lines. I ended up with Director of Neighborhood Influence.

Just like George Costanza, I've always wanted to be an architect, plus I think it just sounds cool.