Monday, June 09, 2008

New Phone...

Well, in the end, the cheap phone won out. It was going to cost me $50 more a month for the blackberry. I think it would be nice to have the blackberry but not for $50 more a month. So, I'm going to see how this new phone works for me. If it doesn't work I can always upgrade to a new pda phone.

Also, another factor in my decision was I don't need another device for checking my e-mail and getting on the internet. I do that enough. Having a simple phone will allow me to be more focused... I think. We'll see how this thing works.

Now, the busy task of transferring all those numbers. They couldn't transfer my numbers in the store because I'm going from a pda phone to a regular phone.

I appreciate all the advice I received for my decision. Now, I will be carrying around a phone and a moleskine journal to keep my life organized. And I think I'm going to start using google calendars to organize my life -- that way I can access my calendar from any computer, not just my laptop!


Becky said...

nice razor Dave.

Jason Kehrer said...

ahh, good choice. wise and responsible. $50/month for a BB that will probably make your life more complicated is not worth it!