Friday, October 05, 2007


I just spent an hour or so getting hooked up on bloglines. This is a great site that keeps track of all of the blogs you check on a regular basis. In the past I would take 30 minutes or so and see who updated their blog. Now, bloglines does all this for me, which saves me some time. Plus, now I can check more blogs, because I won't be wasting my time checking on blogs that haven't been updated in a while. (Tara -- you need to update your blog! Joe P. -- you too!)

Check it out. It's a cool site that has left me asking the question, "Why didn't I use this site before now?"

By the way, I know there are other sites that do the same thing -- google reader is another one.

1 comment:

Tara Follett said...

quit looking at my blog.