Friday, January 23, 2009


There are two things that I can't get out of my head. God is using these things to really convict me. Here are the two things that are really messing me up right now...

1. I was reading a blog from someone at lvc, and they wrote this message to their tv when they said "goodbye" to their tv. That's right, they are not watching tv anymore, and this is what they said,

Don't take it personally. Well, maybe you should take it personally. You've brought some pretty nasty people into our home. And some nasty talk and some nasty images that stayed floating around in our minds. You kept us from serving others when we could have and you've kept us from candelight dinners. You've kept us from reading together and praying together. You've kept us from hikes and visiting nursing homes and knitting hats for preemies and from learning to play guitar. You've kept us from each other and from our kids. Goodbye, tv."
This quote convicted me, because my tv has kept me from conversations with my wife, with my kids, with my friends. TV has kept me from reading books I want to read. TV has kept me from God. TV has kept me from reaching goals that I want to reach. TV has kept me from excercising. TV has messed up my life and it has to go. So, recently I make the decision to only watch 1 hour of tv a day. That's it. I can watch the news, or a interesting program, but only for an hour. Maybe someday I'll throw the tv out entirely, but for now, tv you only get an hour of my time... at the most.

2. I've been reading a great book called "Death by Love" by Mark Driscoll. It's a great book on the cross of Jesus and what it means for our lives. It's a great read and pretty intense. If you're looking for a good book on the cross of Christ I recommend it.


Tara Follett said...

I should write a letter to my computer.

Thoughts of THAT mom said...

We shut off our TV several months ago. Haven't looked back!

Josh said...

Thanks Jay, that was insightful.

Anyways, good post Dave. Good idea. It would be super hard for me to do though (but I guess that is the idea!)

Kimberly said...

so where's the 12 step meetings for the TV watchers anonymos going to meet. It's a pretty powerful addiction. Kudos to all who can kick it completely.